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5 Most Cost-Effective Marketing Strategies [Marketing Math]

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It’s the beginning of a new year, and with that comes a plethora of fresh opportunities to complete that New Year’s resolution list. Whether you’re looking to invest in a new business or develop an existing money-making venture, you will want to create a cost-effective marketing campaign to drive customers your way and profits through the roof. To get you in the right mindset for profitable success, check out these five strategies for creating an affordable yet powerful marketing plan.


Back to Basics

Marketing 101 starts with getting your brand in front of as many faces as possible. Corporate promotional products are the quickest and most eye-catching way to this. When designed well, these products reflect your name, vision, goals, and style, all while showing off your generosity. 

As an added benefit, buying in bulk allows you to have items always at the ready to give away at events, on the street, in-store, or in the office to potential customers, clients, suppliers, or new employees. When a new event or branding cycle occurs, you can work to create unique, fresh, and completely customizable bags, pens, notebooks, mugs, or whatever your imagination comes up with.

Easy Mail-outs

Good marketing campaigns always have a measurable return. One tried-and-true method of getting your product and message into the hands of potential customers is by sending out a simple mailer. During the purchasing process for branded products, investigate buying branded postcards or other sturdy items that can be used as mailers. Buying postage would be your only additional expense. 


Finding local collaborators to work with is a low or no-cost way to enhance your marketing plan. Collaborators are people just like you who are trying to make waves in the business world. They can offer in-tandem or in-kind sponsorships where goods and services are exchanged between two businesses. Often, collaborators have a similar vision or similar message, meaning you complement each other and push each other to greater heights. For example, a fitness clothing line may establish a fruitful partnership with the local gym. In addition to approaching businesses directly, attending town hall meetings or signing up for social media groups and business mentoring programs may put you in contact with the right people. You can also read this search engine marketing guide to explore more.

Free Publicity

There are many ways to leverage free publicity through your customers and their experiences. Customer reviews are an essential way to showcase your business. By reminding people to leave a review, you are giving those you’ve already impressed a chance to speak up about your excellent work. Social media is another place where free publicity reigns. Hire a fantastic social media expert or influencer to post about your business and garner the attention of the world through a few mouse clicks.

Final Thought

Another way to use the internet and free media to your advantage is by paying other websites or businesses to link back to your business. You can do this by approaching a business that works in a complementary (but not competing) field. You only pay fees when someone clicks to your site from a link or buys something from your store. In return, you’ll get measured output that shows you exactly where your money is going and the direct result of that marketing strategy.

Always have a plan in place before you start writing checks for your marketing campaigns. Never make large changes to your target audience or branding without first thinking through your options and intentions. By doing this, you won’t be investing your time in supposed revenue generators that end up being little more than money-sucking marketing gimmicks.

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