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14 Ways To Take Care of Your Precious Eyes

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If you want to care for your precious eye, read these 14 tips for eye care. These steps are easy to follow to retain eye power. With one pair of eyes, we see the beautiful world. Just close your eyes for a few seconds, and you will realize without having a vision, life seems meaningless. Isn’t it obvious to take care of an integral part of our body?

Importance of Eye Care

Visiting the eye specialist will be “preventative care” for the entire body. Eyes are windows to the body because eyes are the only place where our blood vessels can be viewed in their normal state without surgery.


Taking care of your eyes is vital, as poor vision makes it difficult to perform daily activities. With early diagnosis, many eye problems are remediable. If you have poor vision, you must visit the eye specialist regularly. Even if your vision is perfect; still, you should make an appointment with the doctor for a normal checkup to maintain the wellness of your eyes. Good vision helps to perform other activities like driving, learning, cooking, etc.

14 Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes Everyday

A healthy and balanced diet for your eyes:

Consuming healthy foods is vital for keeping your eyes healthy. Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids (including DHA), copper, lutein, and astaxanthin are vital for keeping the eyes healthy. Some eye-friendly foods are:

  • Fish (tuna, salmon, trout, etc.)
  • Nuts and legumes
  • Seeds
  • Beef and poultry
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Eggs
  • Carrots
  • Sweets potatoes
  • Citrus fruits

Maintain ideal body weight

Is there any link between obesity and poor eye health? Yes, there is a connection found in studies. Being overweight may increase the risk of getting affected by diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Excessive weight gain often leads to floppy eyelid syndrome, stroke-causing visual loss, and thyroid-related eye diseases. So you better maintain an ideal weight to keep your eyes and body healthy. To learn more, read the ptosis guide.

Avoid smoking

Smoking can be the reason behind vision loss or blindness. Age-related macular degeneration and cataracts might be an impact of smoking. Smokers are more likely to develop cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and dry eyes than non-smokers.

Wash hands regularly

Wash your hands frequently to remain germ-free. Bacteria cause itching and other eye problems as you use your hands to rub your eyes or put contacts, so washing your hands is necessary.

Take protection from sunlight

UV rays from sunlight increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and corneal sunburn. It is recommended by eye experts to use sunglass to avoid damage. A hat will protect your eyes and face if you are out on a sunny day.

Choose the right kind of makeup, specifically eye make-up

If you like getting dolled up, please carefully choose the make-up. If possible, avoid paraben-containing products. Go for trusted brands. Buying branded cosmetics will cost a little more but remember your eyes are priceless. Clean your make-up brushes regularly to avoid bacteria contamination.

Keep your surroundings dirt-free

Exposure to dirt and dust is not good for the eyes. You can experience itching and irritation if your surroundings are not clean. Using clean bed sheets, towels, and other accessories will help maintain the hygiene of the eyes.

Use eye safety gear when needed

Always ensure your eyes’ safety before jumping into any work. If you go to the pool, put on your goggles to avoid exposing your eyes to chlorine. If you are wearing contacts to a barbeque party, ensure you are maintaining a safe distance from the fire.

Stop rubbing your eyes

If you habitually rub your eyes pretty often, get rid of it as early as possible. Bacteria and dust can be easily transferred to your peepers when you rub them.

Sleep enough

Not getting enough sleep will leave dark circles under your eyes. Besides dark circles, insufficient sleep might lead to severe eye problems like dry eyes, light sensitivity, redness, or pain. To maintain eye health, you must not skip sleeping enough.

Exercise regularly

Is physical exercise beneficial for eye health? Yes, it is. Several studies show that people who exercise on a regular basis are less likely to have eye diseases like cataracts or glaucoma. Physical exercise lowers the chance of diabetes, which may lead to diabetic retinopathy.

Be careful with contact lenses

If you use contact lenses, then take some extra precautions. Each time you put in or take out contacts, wash your hands. Follow the cleaning instructions and never continue using if any irritation is experienced.

Stay hydrated

You should stay hydrated to reduce the risk of dry eye problems. Drinking plenty of water is a simple but effective way to remain hydrated.

Let your eyes rest following the 20-20-20 formula

To keep your eyes in great shape, you must go for the 20-20-20 way, which requires you to do this while using a computer or other screens:

  • Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.

Author Bio

Nahar Rimpy has a passion for writing. Being a professional social worker, she loves working with people. She can write in different niches, but lifestyle, mental health, education, and social issues are her favorite areas of interest.

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