Dhaka Sylhet Online Bus Booking, Ena All Counter Phone Number are available here. Book Ena Bus Online.
If you want to go to Sylhet from Dhaka, you need to know from where you can book the tickets. Recently I visited Kulaura Upazila in Moulovibazar. I found that Ena Travels is one of the renowned buses on that route.
Dhaka Sylhet Online Bus Ticket Booking
Ena Travels recommended Shohoz Online Bus Ticket Service for Online Booking. This information is printed on the front side of every ticket they sell.
Online Ticket Booking Link: shohoz.com
If you want to go to Moulovibazar, in Sylhet district from Dhaka, you need to purchase a ticket from Ena Counter and the destination should be Bianibazar.
What is the Ticket Price for Dhaka-Moulovibazar-Sylhet?
The usual price I saw in 2022 is 600 Taka per person.
From Where you can start your journey?
I have started my journey from Mohakhali Bus Terminal. In Mohakhali Bus Terminal, Ena travels have two counters. One is outside for the Mymensingh route. Another one is on the inside, which is for traveling the Sylhet route.
Does Ena Travel Has AC Bus Service to Moulovibazar?
I am not sure about that. If you know correctly, please let me know in my comment section.
Ena All Counter Phone Number (Sylhet Route)
Luckily I have taken a picture of the front side and backside of the ticket from Ena Travel. In their ticket, there are phone numbers of all the counters of Ena’s travels. I am attaching it here for your benefit.
Does Ena Travel Give Break During Travel on Sylhet Route?
Yes, Ena travel provides a 20 minutes short break during their travel. You can use the lavatory facility there. Normally, they took a break at a highway-side restaurant, where you can have your lunch or dinner. I will suggest taking dinner if you are on a business trip because you will arrive at 1:00 AM in Sylhet. At that time typically no outside restaurant is usually open.

I would rank the restaurant they halt: 3 out of 5
What is the name of the restaurant Ena Travel usually halts on Sylhet Route?
Highway Inn limited, Location: Andiura, Madhobpur, Hobiganj.
Map Location: https://goo.gl/maps/cNCAGakCpyyxbKrRA
What is the Best and Cheapest Tea House To Buy Raw Tea?
I have bought some fine quality tea from Moulovibazar, Kularua market. It is Dalia Tea House. The price is pretty reasonable with genuine raw tea. There were a gold flavor, clone tea and green teas. I am attaching one card I took from them.
Contact Number of Dalia Tea House: +8801726891219

Kulaura Ena Bus Couter Phone Number
If you want to know the Kulaura Ena Bus Counter Phone Number, please see the below attached image.

Kulaura Upazilla Health Complex Location, Google Map
I have some training events in Kulaura, If you want to go to the Upazilla Health Complex, Kulaura, Please follow this map Location. You need to buy the ticket of Biyanibazar Ticket. The Upazila health complex is on the roadside.
Follow this Google Map Location
Kulaura Upazilla Health Complex Location, Google Map

Experience to Share about my First Journey to Kulaura
It was my first journey to Kulaura. I have some mixed experiences about that. I have special tea with “Gur” at the Mohakhali bus terminal.

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